Belajar Bahasa Inggris

Belajar Bahasa Inggris Lewat Internet

Belajar Bahasa Inggris – Pelajaran 25

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  • attendant = pelayanan
  • country (kata kerja) = desa
  • doll = boneka
  • film star = bintang film
  • fortune-teller grumble (kata kerja) = menggerutu
  • harm (kata benda dan kata kerja) = kerugian/merugikan
  • horrible = mengerikan
  • irritable = lekas marah
  • luckily = untung
  • meanwhile = sementara itu
  • occasion (kata benda) = kesempatan
  • prospect (kata benda) = harapan/kemungkinan
  • shooting gallery = tempat latihan menembak
  • sleeve = lengan baju
  • swing (kata benda) = keramaian
  • tell fortunes (kata kerja) = meramalkan nasib
  • temper (kata benda) = keadaan hati
  • well-known = terkenal
  • whistle (kata benda dan kata kerja) = siulan/bersiul


  • By mistake. (Dengan tidak sengaja). Contoh: He hit his brother by mistake.
  • To be in a bad/god temper. (Marah/tenang). Contoh: He was in a bad temper this morning and hit his wife.
  • Good heavens! (Astaga!). Contoh: Good heavens! The boat is sinking.


Harry dan Barbara sedang bercakap-cakap di pasar malam desa.

Harry : Everyone’s certainly making a fuss of that film star.

Barbara : Well, it’s a great occasion here when someone well-known opens the fair. It does a lot of good. (Bunyi siulan).

Harry : I wish that boy would stop making such a horrible noise with a whistle. It makes me so irritable.

Barbara : Harry, do stop grumbling. You’ve ever been to an English country fair before. Now that’s you’re here you should make the most of it. Why don’t you go and have your fortune told?

Harry : I’m sure I can do without that.

Barbara : And I’m sure it won’t do you any harm. Ask her about your prospect with the inflatable umbrella.

Mr. Hardcastle : Hello. Have you been round the fair yet?

Barbara : I think so. We’ve been on the swings and I’ve won a doll. Harry’s in a bad temper though, because he made a fool of himself in the shooting gallery. He shot at once of the attendants by mistake!

Mr. Hardcastle : Good heavens! Was it serious?

Barbara : Oh, no. Luckily he just shot a button off the man’s sleeve!

Harry : He got in the way.

Barbara : He didn’t darling.

Harry : I tell you the fool ….

Barbara : That’ll do. Harry!

Mr. Hardcastle : Well-er, anyway, I just saw that friend of mine who might help you with your invention. You must meet him.

Harry : Where is he?

Mr. Hardcastle : He’s coming back in half an hour. I think you’ll find him useful. He does a lot of business with the umbrella manufacturers. Makes a lot of money too.

Barbara : Meanwhile why don’t we visit the fortune-teller? Do let’s.

Harry : All right then. We’ll see if she thinks I’m going to make a fortune.


Dalam bahasa Inggris tidak banyak aturan yang bersifat mutlak. Namun mengenai perbedaan antara make dan do yang kerap kali dipakai sebagai ungkapan, aturannya bersifat mutlak. Sebagai pedoman kita dapat mengikuti prinsip-prinsip tertentu:

Arti pokok

(a) To make mempunyai arti menciptakan, mendirikan atau menghasilkan sesuatu yang tidak ada sebelumnya.

  • His mother made a cake for his birthday.
  • They made a fuss of their brother who had just arrived.
  • She made a fuss because she was annoyed.
  • The millionaire made of fortune when he was young.
  • Do you make any money?
  • He made a noise and she heard him.
  • You shouldn’t make so many mistakes.
  • They made a long journey to Africa.

Pastikan bahwa dalam semua kalimat tadi ada sesuatu yang tidak ada sebelumnya, the fuss, the noise, the cake, the journey, the money, dan sebagainya.

(b) To do mempunyai arti:

1. Aktivitas.

  • He just lazes arround and never does much.
  • What are you doing on Sunday?
  • He did averything he could to help.

2. Melakukan, menjalankan. Biasanya mengandaikan sesuatu yang sudah ada sebelumnya, baik dalam kenyataan maupun dalam angan-angan.

  • We did all the exercise in the book.
  • He wants me to do him a favour.
  • Please do this small thing for me.
  • There is a lot of business we could do with him.

Pemakaian kausatif

Make dan do keduanya bisa dipakai bila sesuatu hal atau seseorang mengakibatkan atau membuat sesuatu perubahan dalam diri seseorang atau sesuatu lain.

(a) Make mempunyai arti ‘menyebabkan menjadi’:

  • That noise makes me irritable.
  • You made her unhappy.
  • His remark made her very angry.

Make juga mempunyai arti ‘memaksa’ dan dalam hal ini diikuti oleh infinitif tanpa to. (Pelajaran 16):

  • The fortune-teller made her tell everything.
  • The attendant made us pay.
  • She made her brother give her the doll.

(b) Do menyatakan gagasan mengenai suatu aktivitas yang berakibat bagi orang lain:

  • Your mistake did me a lot of harm.
  • It did him good to rest for a time.


Do dan make dipakai dalam banyak ungkapan yang tidak bisa diklasifikasikan.

(a) Make:

  • You certainly made a fool of him.
  • We must make the most of our holiday as it is so short.
  • Don’t make fun of him the whole time. He has no sense of humour and doesn’t like it.

(b) Do:

  • We had to do without butter during the war.
  • Stop it! That’ll do!
  • I haven’t got a pen but this pencil will do.

Perhatikan di sini bahwa do hanya dipakai dalam bentuk  akan datang dan pengandaian.

  • He’s doing very well in his new job.
  • His employer is very pleased with him.
  • Do up your coat buttons. It’s cold.

Pembatasan pemakaian do dan make

Perhatikan bahwa do dan make dalam bahasa Inggris tidak begitu banyak dipakai dalam bahasa-bahasa lain. Jika dalam bahasa Inggris kita bisa menemukan kata kerja yang lebih tepat daripada to do atau to make, maka kita lebih suka memakai kata kerja itu. Maka dari itu, biasanya kita tidak mengatakan ‘to make a picture’ melainkan ‘to paint a picture,’ atau kita tidak mengatakan ‘to make a book’ melainkan ‘to write a book.’

Do untuk menegaskan/memberi tekanan

Do bisa pula dipakai untuk memberi tekanan:

  • Do have some tea.
  • I do like her!
  • Do let’s visit the fortune-teller!
  • Do be quiet!


Perhatikan kata depan yang dipakai dalam ungkapan-ungkapan ini:

  • He shot a button off his sleeve.
  • Have you been round the fair yet?


1. Sempurnakan dengan bentuk do dan make yang betul. (Pemakaian dasar dan ungkapan dicampur).

  1. I’m trying to …. my homework.
  2. He tried …. fun of me but only …. a fool of himself.
  3. He always …. such a fuss when I …. a mistake. (Bentuk sekarang).
  4. Can you …. the cha cha cha?
  5. If he doesn’t come then we’ll have to …. without him.
  6. …. good to others and they will …. good to you.
  7. Now that we’re here we must …. the most of it.
  8. He refused to …. me a favour.
  9. The business man thinks he will …. a fortune in America.
  10. I want you to …. me a table.
  11. You alway …. what you want.
  12. It’s cold …. up your coat.
  13. I’ll …. up fot that time I …. you unhappy.
  14. We couldn’t …. out the ship in the fog.
  15. The mechanic must …. the car work.
  16. …. come and see us tomorrow.
  17. The attendant …. him a lot of harm by …. up stories.
  18. The film star …. herself up before …. a hourney.
  19. That will …. you have eaten enough cake.
  20. She always …. a fuss about everything when she’s tired.

Written by 5jtpbln

October 23, 2010 at 8:18 am

Posted in Pelajaran

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